Haptics, Virtual Reality

Snake Charmer : Virtually Enabling Physical Objects



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Augmented and virtual reality have the potential of being indistinguishable from the real world. Holographic displays, including head mounted units, support this vision by creating rich stereoscopic scenes, with objects that appear to float in thin air - often within arm's reach. However, one has but to reach out and grasp nothing but air to destroy the suspension of disbelief. Snake-charmer is an attempt to provide physical form to virtual objects by revisiting the concept of Robotic Graphics or Encountered-type Haptic interfaces with current commodity hardware. By means of a robotic arm, Snake- charmer brings physicality to a virtual scene and explores what it means to truly interact with an object. We go beyond texture and position simulation and explore what it means to have a physical presence inside a virtual scene. We demonstrate how to render surface characteristics beyond texture and position, including temperature; how to physically move objects; and how objects can physically interact with the user's hand. We analyze our implementation, present the performance characteristics, and provide guidance for the construction of future physical renderers

Image showing how snake charmer can present sensations of temperature and physical movement


A robotic agent moves physical objects to match virtual interactions in a haptically consistent manner.


ID'em: Inductive Sensing for Embedding and Extracting Information in Robust Materials


Printem : Instant Circuit Boards with Standard Office Printers and Inks